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La Looma
Huile nettoyante cotière - Les mauvaises herbesView larger

Cleaning oil- Les Mauvaises Herbes

2 in 1, cleans and removes makeup

CAD $24.99

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Discover the coastal oil Les mauvaises herbes, which gently cleanses the skin and removes makeup. It leaves the skin soft, satiny and supple, nourishes it and helps it maintain its hydration.

Made with extracts of Quebec Labrador tea and chamomile, the cleansing oil is soothing, and sensitive skin will appreciate it.

Use: Pour 5-10 drops of cleansing oil into palm. Rub hands together then apply to face and eyes to remove dirt and makeup. Rinse with warm water using a small towel.

100% vegan product, handmade in Canada, with recyclable packaging

Capacity 30 ml

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