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La Looma

List of products by manufacturer Blue Orange

Blue Orange understands the intrinsic value of game and its importance in a child's cognitive and sensory development. It is for this purpose that, each year, the company tests hundreds of prototypes, predicting and selecting the pearls of tomorrow.

Showing 1 - 6 of 6 items
  • Dragomino - Blue Orange

    You have been selected to be a dragon hunter and it is now time to travel around the world to catch as much dragon eggs as you can!  Each round you get to choose a domino to complete your kingdom and this will get you an egg...either empty or with a baby dragon inside. The hunter who will be catching the most dragon eggs will be the big winner! Dragonimo,...

    CAD $32.99
  • Hoot or Toot - Blue Orange

    Discover Hoot or Honk, an exciting game that stimulates hearing and cognitive association skills. This entertaining game invites children to listen carefully to the sounds made by the owl on each turn and then flip a token, hoping that the image matches the sound they heard! To play, you have to listen to each sound made by the owl on each turn, then turn...

    CAD $37.99
  • Mousie Hide and Seek - Blue Orange

    Discover the interactive hide and seek game! The objective is to find Souricette after one of the players has hidden her. If you listen carefully, you can hear her laugh and laugh louder and louder! Once you find the little mouse, put her back in her cheese box so she can finish her meal!Suitable for ages 4 and up Game length: 5 to 30 minutes Number of...

    CAD $27.99
  • Taco chaton pizza - Blue Orange

    Discover the Taco, Chaton, Pizza observation game from Blue Orange, a fun game suitable for children aged 4 and over. A children's version of the worldwide bestseller Taco, chat, poulet, poutine, pizza in a sturdy, take-anywhere format !Taco, Chaton, Pizza - Remember these 3 funny wordsSay a word, then turn over the cardPlay again when the word matches...

    CAD $14.99
  • Taco Hat Cake Pizza Gift - Blue Orange

    Discover Taco Chapeau Gâteau Cadeau Pizza from Blue Orange, a fun and wacky card game! How do you play the game? As soon as a card corresponding to the word announced is revealed, tap the central pile. Last one in picks it all up! Be observant and quick to get rid of all your cards! The slightest mistake will cost you penalty cards! With its birthday...

    CAD $14.99
  • Taco, chat, Poulet - Blue Orange

    ONLY AVAILABLE IN FRENCH Un jeu de stratégie, d'observation et de rapidité parfait pout toute la famille! Rappelez-vous des 5 mots du départ et Dès qu’une carte correspondant au mot annoncé est révélée, tapez la pile centrale et soyez le premier à vous débarrasser de toutes vos cartes!Nombre de jouers : 2 à 8  Âge : 8 ans et plus Durée d'une partie : 10...

    CAD $14.99
Showing 1 - 6 of 6 items